Restaurant Week @ La Viola

Restaurant week is over in Philly, and Master Tester and I were able t try out La Viola, a fine Italian restaurant in center city…hmmhmhmmhmm.  I had been to the place during my college years with my friend Chi and it was just as good and just as crowded.

What went well: the food is delicious! Real italian food from Italy! Fresh, seasoned, hmmmmmmmmm The ambiance is very much as a family dinner.  You need to BYOB but the staff is very warm, we had a bowl! And I loved the smoked trout salad (INSALATA DI PESCE AFFUMICATO), soooo good! Also highly recommend the salmon (SALMONE DI CAPPERI). Checkout their menu HERE.

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What was so-so: The beef special…too regular.

What went wrong: the wait!!! We had reservation but had to wait 45 minutes before being transferred to West LaViola.  Everybody has such a great time nobody wants to leave! So be prepared to wait, but the food is well worth it.